The German federal government recently reaffirmed its assessment of wearing masks in public. Since it is not possible to keep a minimum distance from one another in many places, the obligation to wear masks should continue to be adhered to. The Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder shares the opinion of the federal government, since masks are "one of the very few instruments when it comes to protection against the corona virus". In this respect, it cannot currently be assumed that this guideline will be abolished in the near future. Especially since the international comparison clearly shows that countries that made masks compulsory early on and have retained them have so far come through the corona crisis much more lightly than countries that have not done so.
Masks help prevent the spread of the virus
The German federal government recently reaffirmed its assessment of wearing masks in public. Since it is not possible in many places to keep a minimum distance from each other...
Masks help prevent the spread of the virus
1 minute
The mask in the school class