WingGuard.de - sustainable products for you and me
With WingGuard, you no longer have to guess or hope which products are good for you and your home. All products in our shop are subject to strict standards to be non-toxic, effective, sustainable and cruelty-free. As soon as you have found a product that you like, we will deliver it to your home in a CO2-neutral manner.
Sustainable & smart highlights
Made in Germany - much more than just a promise of quality
Products that are manufactured in Germany are usually marked with the unofficial seal of quality "Made in Germany". "Made in Germany" has been a proven promise of quality for decades. A large number of the sustainable and environmentally friendly care and cleaning products that you can find in our web shop are provided with a "Made in Germany" seal. They bring a number of advantages with them, for you, your fellow human beings and our planet.
When can the product bear a "Made in Germany" seal?
The value chain serves as an indicator and the manufacturing process is crucial. The most important components of production, such as development, design development, production itself and the quality assurance process must take place exclusively in Germany so that the goods can officially be provided with a "Made in Germany" seal. However, the purchase of fewer individual components abroad is permitted, provided these are not decisive for the decisive properties of the end product.
Made in Germany - Sold in Germany
By using products with a "Made in Germany" seal as consumers in Germany, we are doing our planet a great favor. Significantly shorter transport routes have to be covered during production and distribution. Less CO2 is emitted and the environment suffers less damage.
Fair – in every respect
With products that are "Made in Germany", one can generally assume fair working conditions and fair remuneration. The laws regarding working conditions and workers' rights are very employee-friendly. Hardly any other country, especially outside the EU, has such high labor law requirements for the well-being of its employees.
Nature conservation is also a focus for "Made in Germany" products. In Germany there are strict standards and bans on the ingredients that a product may contain. In particular, it plays a significant role in natural cosmetics. The approved ingredients are carefully checked with regard to their compatibility and, if necessary, certified organic.