5 Tipps zur plastikfreien Lebensmittelaufbewahrung

5 tips for plastic-free food storage

A look into most German refrigerators and freezers could remind some of a visit to "Legoland" - plastic everywhere!
Vegane Kosmetik - was ist das eigentlich?

Vegan cosmetics - what is that actually?

"Veganism" has become an increasingly important and relevant topic in the area of ​​"sustainability" in recent years. Here you can find out why!
Die richtige Pflege für heiße Sommertage

The right care for hot summer days

T he summer is knocking on the door and the sun unfolds its full radiance. High time to go outside and enjoy the nice weather. Just a few things to keep in mind...
Das Streben nach Plastikfreiheit

The pursuit of plastic freedom

The next logical step that we are now striving for - and which we would also like for other companies and private individuals - is: Plastic-free!
Plastik bedroht unsere Meere

Plastic threatens our seas

We love the sea! However, the image of an infinitely wide sea, with blue water and inhabitants in all colors, no longer exists for a long time. In some parts of the ocean, the only brightly colore...
Plastikneutralität - Der Kampf gegen Kunststoff

Plastic neutrality - The fight against plastic

No matter the situation, the term “plastic neutrality” or “plastic neutral” has definitely crossed your path one or two times in the last few weeks. But what does that actually mean and how can pl...
5 Tipps gegen Rasierpickel

5 tips against razor bumps

Skin as soft as a baby's bottom and a flawless shave without razor bumps - who doesn't want that? Here are 5 tips on how you can achieve the perfect shave.
5 Tipps für eine nachhaltige Rasur

5 tips for a sustainable shave

How sustainable is your personal hygiene? Solid shampoo? Check! Bamboo toothbrush? Check! shaving products? Oops, there is still some catching up to do. We give you sustainable alternatives and tips.
Kleany Putzmittel, vegane Reinigungsmittel für Allzweck, Bad und Glas

Sustainable cleaning products from Klaeny

The cleaning agents from Klaeny, for the three different areas of application: all-purpose, bathroom and glass. In addition to their chic design, they are also sustainable in their use.