5 Models mit Produkten für eine natürliche Haarpflege in der Hand, feste Shampoos von plain b, vegan und ohne Plastik

5 tips for natural hair care

There is a wide range of shampoos available to you. The problem? Most shampoos leave a noticeable mark on the environment and aren't even good for your hair.
festes Shampoo von plain b, 3 Varianten, vegan, plastikfrei und nachhaltig

Solid shampoo is better than liquid. Why it is like that? 5 reasons!

Solid shampoos are making a comeback. While it was normal for our grandparents' generation to wash with solid soap, many of us grew up using liquid shampoos.
High Five – 5 Pflegetipps für Deine Hände

High Five – 5 care tips for your hands

The hands are our most important tools in everyday life. There is hardly a task or situation in which they are not used and make our lives easier.
Model mit nachhaltigem, waschbaren Abschminktuch von plain b

New & exclusive: Naturally beautiful with plain b

Curtain up and set the stage! "plain b" - our new cosmetics and your new favorite brand has finally arrived in our shop and we couldn't be happier! 😍
Herzensprojekte von WingGuard rund um das Thema Nachhaltigkeit

WingGuard - our heart projects

Sustainability and environmental protection are of particular concern to all of us at WingGuard, whether at work or at home. At home, of course, we have it in our own hands to decide which products...
„Nachhaltigkeit“ – was bedeutet das eigentlich?

“Sustainability” – what does that actually mean?

What does "sustainability" actually mean? Sustainability is an interaction of many different factors, such as the packaging material, the ingredients or the means of transport, which affect the env...
nachhaltige Produkte für Körperpflege und Hautpflege, vegan und ohne Tierversuche

This is WingGuard.

At WingGuard you will find hundreds of different products that all have one thing in common - they are sustainable. This means that they are more environmentally friendly than conventional products...
Nachhaltige Zahnpflegeprodukte, Zahnseide, Mundspülung, Interdentalbürste und Zahnputz-Tabs

The ABC of sustainable oral hygiene

Karius and Bactus. You might recognize these two from elementary school. In today's magazine post, we join the evildoers' mission...
Model spielt mit nachhaltiger Gesichtsseife

Natural cosmetics - naturally beautiful and sustainable

Natural cosmetics is a term that has gained in importance in recent years. Many manufacturers have noticed that the approach and production methods of the previous years, in which a lot was relied ...