Model liest Magazin, nachhaltige Reinigungsprodukte von Sonett stehen neben ihr

Sonett - in the fight against microplastics

In this article you will get more information about the Sonett company, what makes their products so special and why you shouldn't miss the new additions to our range.
Sonett Waschpulver, Sonett Waschmittel, Sonett Weichspüler

Sonett - cleaning without microplastics

We asked which sustainability topics you are interested in and you answered! The most frequently asked question was: "How is microplastic formed and why is it so harmful?"
Deutsche Startups - Interview mit den Gründern

German startups - Interview with the founders

The young company WingGuard, which focuses in particular on sustainable toothbrushes and masks, has grown to 20 employees in recent years.
Model beim Wäschewaschen, in der Hand nachhaltige Trocknerbälle von WingGuard

Dryer balls - spherical environmental heroes

Freshly showered, in fresh pajamas, slip into the freshly made bed. Is there anything better in the world? Hardly likely. It's the little things in life that make us particularly happy, and that d...
Model beim Putzen von Gemüse mit nachhaltiger Gemüsebürste von Full Circle aus Bambusholz

Full Circle - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Plastic. Probably the most frowned upon material in our society, and yet it is used everywhere. We'll tell you here why plastic doesn't necessarily have to be a deadly moral sin.
Full Circle nachhaltiges Kehrblech

Full Circle - this is how a sustainable household works

You've probably wondered which household gadgets are really environmentally friendly and which products are needed in a sustainable household.
Bambus Reinigungsbürsten für Obst und Gemüse von WingGuard

Bamboo - the material for all cases

Hard on the outside and soft on the inside. Bamboo belongs to the grass family and is therefore not classified as a tree, as is often assumed. There are over 500 species of bamboo worldwide, each w...
Porträt: Der Begründer der Nachhaltigkeit

Portrait: The founder of sustainability

T oday we would like to introduce you to the man who shaped the principle of sustainability more than 300 years ago and whose definition is still valid today - Hans Carl von Carlowitz (1645 - 1714).
Weltfrauentag - Es gibt noch viel zu tun

International Women's Day - There is still a lot to do

International Women's Day has been celebrated for 111 years. Established by the socialist women's rights activist Clara Zetkin with the aim of giving women equal voting rights, the holiday is stil...